Charred Cauliflower Steaks with Garlic and Scallions

This is my dad’s recipe that he rants and raves about all the time. We finally tried it out and were really happy with it. We cooked the veggies for probably double the time as him. Maybe had to do with the volume or our oven but I think the lesson is. This is all about getting these to the charred/texture you want so feel free to take them out early if you want them feeling a little raw or leave them in as long as us if you like those blackened pieces.

• 1 head of cauliflower
• 10 cloves of garlic
• ¼ cup of scallions
• Olive oil
• Salt, pepper and garlic powder to taste
1. Preheat the oven to 425º
2. Lay tin foil over flat baking sheet
3. Slice cauliflower into thin slices, about ⅜ths of an inch
4. Sprinkle garlic and scallions across the pan
5. Spray or rub each side of the cauliflower with olive oil
6. Season with salt pepper and garlic powder
7. Put in the oven for about 30 minutes. Look at the pan about 20 minutes in or as short as 15 minutes in. We leave our pan in for about 40 when we saw the veggies started getting brown and soft. If you flip the cauliflower half way through you will get a better char so it’s not necessary but I recommend.